Voice in Prevention (VIP)
Voice in Prevention is a Youth Leadership group for grades 7-12. VIP members are positive role models for the school and community who work to address misperceptions around drug and alcohol use at Chisholm Senior High through media messages and social norms campaigns.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.​)
SADD is a student group who work on positive activities in the 4-6th grades. Students partake in all the National Prevention events such as Red Ribbon Week, Kick Butts Day, and many other activities.

Truth About Drugs
Truth About Drugs is an evidence-based curriculum taught to all 8th grade health students. The program is taught in partnership through KIDS PLUS and the School Resource Officer. Students walk away with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about drugs and alcohol.

Teen Intervene​
Teen Intervene is an evidence based program for teenagers suspected of experiencing a mild or moderate substance use disorder, covering all drugs but with a special focus on alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use. The program is on a referral basis and taught by a Ceritfied Prevention Professional.

Kids Garden Club ​
KIDS PLUS garden club is our latest project. The garden club is meant to give youth the skills, knowledge, and experience of gardening that they can use throughout their lives.